Don't have part files? Don't worry. We can help.

Industrial Design Services

We can help optimize your part files for additive production or act as your industrial design partner and help develop your next rapid prototype.

Bring Concepts To Reality

We specialize in design for additive manufacturing.

Industrial Design

Our team of designers can get started with just a sketch or an idea. We can help take your ideas from concept to reality in as little as a few days to weeks.

Part File Review

We can work with you to make sure your parts are ready for additive manufacturing and help alleviate any issues before the print process.

Bulk File Processing

Need a quote on larger quantities? Our team can assist you with bulk file uploads and process large batches of part files to help you manage the production process.

Production Strategies

We can help you navigate the additive manufacturing process and manage application specific production strategies to supply end-use parts for your business.

Part File Preparation

We can conduct build simulations and support analysis to test different additive technologies and prepare your part files for the 3D printing.

Content Creation

Work with us and benefit from content we create along the way. We can take photos or create renderings of the additive manufacturing process used to create your parts.

Need an industrial designer?

Our team can assist at any stage of your project.